Carter Yorkies

Beginning in 1973, I have had a long history with AKC
Yorkshire Terriers.
I'm a small Yorkie breeder, striving for quality rather than
quantity.  I've shown AKC Yorkies in shows in Georgia, Florida
and Alabama, and know what it takes to produce a beautiful
show dog.   I've even shown my Yorkies in Obedience classes,
and won!   My Yorkie puppies are bred and socialized as
.  I try not to breed the unhealthy, frail dogs nicknamed
"micro teacups".   The American Kennel Club and the
Yorkshire Terrier Club of America (YTCA) frown on the "tiny
teacup yorkies" and discourage them from being shown, due
to health problems.  Carter Yorkie puppies are from healthy old
fashioned lines and multi-Champion pedigrees. They range in
weight from 3-7 lbs normally.    

My Yorkie puppies for sale match the AKC standard, and are
happy and healthy.  Clients often comment on how smart and
calm they are.  That is a sign of a well raised pup.  My Yorkie
pups are special because of the love, care and attention they
start with. Please enjoy the many photos sent by happy
customers of my Yorkies through the years, my breeding
adults, and their puppies.  It should show you the quality of my

"Once a person has owned a Yorkie, there is no doubt he will
always own a Yorkie.  He is the most adorable charmer....happy
being the doll in the doll carriage, watching tv with the boss, or
helping cook dinner, one eye cocked to the chance that a tidbit
might fall, which naturally - in order to be a help- he will
immediately remove from the floor."   "Be he a big Yorkie or a
tiny one, he is endowed with a marvelous intelligence and a
most valiant spirit."  ...from
the Complete Yorkshire Terrier.

I have found their descriptions so true.  I had a big Yorkie who
would accompany me everywhere, even on my horse rides,
running for miles, until he looked so tired I'd have pity on him
and ride him the rest of the way on my saddle.  They are truly
valiant and loyal, a great companion for anyone.      - Ms. Lisa
My good looking children and friends
There's usually a Yorkie with us- even riding
horses in Valdosta, Georgia
Here are Tuffy and Nala as puppies.  
Traveling with Tuffy, my Yorkie puppy,  
15 years ago in Tennessee.  He loved
it ! and he had many admirers.
teacup Yorkie puppies for sale in Georgia
teacup Yorkie puppies for sale
The Yorkshire Terrier, fondly called the
"Yorkie" by millions of enthusiasts, has
overtaken the beloved Golden Retriever and
the iconic German Shepherd to become the
second most popular purebred dog in America
according to 2008 AKC registration figures. We
did it again in 2009!
Over the last decade, AKC data has pointed to
a rise in popularity of smaller breeds. However,
not since the Boston Terrier nearly 70 years
ago has such a small dog achieved such
notable status. The popularity of the Yorkie and
many other small breeds indicates that dog
enthusiasts are doing their research and
choosing a portable, pint-sized breed which
fits the fast-paced lifestyle of many modern
dog owners
Jasmine and her mom, Rosie
One of Buttercups beautiful teacup Yorkie puppies,  
Tink, as a puppy, and below teenage and grown
Rosie with a kitten
Close up of Cocos face and below, a pic
to show her adult size & blue and gold
Our charming Chantal lives in  
Bogota, Colombia
Sassy and me
Champion sired Yorkie puppies
My champion sired Yorkie
puppies from the 1970's in
Tampa, Florida
Pikachu and Guiness.  They are Kia and
Max's teacup Yorkie puppies.
teacup Yorkie puppy
Just thought I would sent a photo of Tink.  I had just
finished combing her and she decided to fix her hair
herself - she shook her head.  She is so awesome.  What
a joy. Thanx so much for breeding such wonderful pups.  
T.  near Tampa,  Florida
two teacup Yorkie puppies
Pipers long, silky coat
Gubbys '09 daughter  
Thanks for all the great info. Opal is
having her spay surgery today and I am
praying all will go well. She's such a part
of the family, and I get a kick out of
seeing my sons with her. We all love
her!  I will send more pics hopefully
soon!     Julia
"Momma got her little boy today.  
He has been vetted and all is
good.  My sister and I got to
surprise mom with him.  It was
special since she had lost her Pug
recently.  She sure was happy to
get that little charming fellow.  I can
not thank you enough! :-)  He put a
smile on my mom's face.  I have
enjoyed your website at Carter
This is Tootsies boy '09
teacup Yorkie puppy for sale
Here's a letter from one of our happy clients who had a bad experience with
another breeders puppy.
"Hello Lisa,   I know it must seem like I am ungrateful as I
haven’t written to you before now. I am sorry for the delay but I honestly have been
so nervous about loving Daisey because of our past experience. I was very nervous
that something would happen to her. She has gravitated to me and I cannot believe
how much she loves me. She always wants to be with me, sleeps on my shoulders
ALL THE TIME and even cuddles with me in bed! I have NEVER had a puppy like her
before. Each day I allow myself to love her more and more and now she totally has
my heart. She is such a joy and I enjoy every moment with her, even when she
makes mistakes in the house!"
"I also want to tell you that I am truly grateful to have found you, a wonderful, caring
breeder. As I stated, the past experience was emotionally draining and traumatizing
for me. You have been kind and patient to me and understanding what we have
gone through. You could not have chosen a better puppy for me. Thank you for
"Daisey is doing great and being spoiled ALL the time. She gets attention wherever
she goes and has more toys than the average child. Her temperament and
disposition is amazing! She loves riding in the car and going places with me. I am
enjoying her so much.   Thank you once again."
Just wanted to update you on
Bentley.  He is almost 6 months old
now and weighs 4 pounds!  He is a
very quiet, loving, and sweet pup!  
House-training is coming along
wonderfully.  He will go to the door to
let us know he needs to go out and
goes eight hours in his crate with no
accidents.  He can dance, sit, lay, and
bow.   I have enclosed a pic for you to
see just how big he's gotten.
teacup Yorkies for sale in Georgia
Sassy and her teacup sized puppy ,
daughter of Oliver
teacup size Yorkie puppy
Carter Yorkies
These clients from Kansas are heading
off in their Piper Cub for an adventure.
Sadie, their Carter Yorkie, flies along
with them.  2010
Just a quick update on Mazie (aka
She is still SO sweet and seems to
be SO happy!  She runs around
like crazy, she eats really well (dry
food) and everyone that meets
been with my daughter for a week,
but came to visit me at home
today. She seemed to remember
me (or at least like me again)!!!  
She is just a delight, and such a
wonderful addition to our family!  
She is SSSOOOO my daughter's
Here are a couple of really cute
pics. that I took today...she and my
daughter are just precious
These folks are near Atlanta
click any of the titles above to view the pages of my site
Looks like trouble!  Thats our
Champion sired Yorkie puppy,
Papi, with our cats on top of a
Champion sired Yorkies, Punkin',  Ginger, and
Champion sired Papi all peeking out the front gate.
Me in 1970s with my Yorkie puppy,
Beholda Star in Valdosta, Ga.
Gabby is Gubby and Max's
this teacup size Yorkie puppy
lives in Tallahassee, FL
This beautiful Carter  Yorkie,
Dylan lives in Valdosta, Ga.
Piper on my lap
Bella, a cute teacup Carter Yorkie puppy
My cute courier going to Atlanta.
My client in Colombia, S.A. sent
this photo of her Yorkie in
her fashion design studio.
AKC Yorkie puppies for sale in Georgia. Our Yorkie puppies are an easy drive from Valdosta,
Albany, Tifton, Thomasville, Savannah, Macon, Columbus, Atlanta, Gainesville, Lake City,
Tallahassee, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Dothan, Auburn, Montgomery and other major
southern cities.  For puppy delivery, our family offers a puppy courier service, too.
Star, one of my show Yorkie
puppies, in 1970's
Teresa and I with our Yorkies in
Cordele, 2018.  We are the only two in
the US breeding these top Russian
International Champion bloodlines.
Claires son, Charlie
Lil' Bit, one of my
Yorkies in south
River wishes all our friends and
family a Happy Holidays!
Dart, one of Gingers parti
puppies, went to live in Texas
Sir Cody Jo and Sir Chance David
are well known Carter Yorkies in
Alabama.  SCJ has been a model,
and had a magazine feature story!
and 3 lb. Cupid are expecting
AKC Parti puppies soon!